Page 7 - Gwyr Prospectus 2023-24
P. 7
“Digon o gyfleoedd i drafod cynnydd fy mhlentyn gyda’r athrawon – Nosweithiau Rhieni cyson.” “Plenty of opportunities to discuss my child’s progress with the teachers – regular Parents’ Evenings.”
Cyswllt â Rhieni
Mae cydweithrediad agos rhwng yr ysgol a’r cartref wedi bod yn rhan bwysig iawn o fywyd yr ysgol hon o’r cychwyn ac mae’n hanfodol i ddatblygiad llwyddiannus a chynnydd disgybl. Rydym yn annog rhieni i gysylltu â ni ac i wneud trefniadau i alw i’n gweld.
Gwahoddir rhieni disgyblion newydd i ddod i ymweld â’r ysgol ac i gyfarfod â’r staff ym mis Gorffennaf. Yna, yn ystod hanner tymor cyntaf Blwyddyn 7, cynhelir Noson Anwytho Rhieni Bl 7 er mwyn cyfarfod i drafod sut mae’r disgyblion newydd yn ymgartrefu ac i dderbyn gwybodaeth ychwanegol.
Yng Ngŵyr, credwn yn gryf bod cyswllt agos rhwng presenoldeb rhagorol a deilliannau rhagorol - nid yn unig mewn canlyniadau arholiadau ond hefyd wrth brofi bywyd ysgol lawn. Gweithiwn yn agos gyda theuluoedd a’r Awdurdod Addysg er mwyn sicrhau presenoldeb cyson a gofynnwn yn garedig na drefnir gwyliau teuluol yn ystod tymor yr ysgol er mwyn tanlinellu pwysigrwydd addysg. Dylai pob disgybl anelu i gyrraedd presenoldeb o 96% neu fwy mewn blwyddyn ac rydym yn ymfalchïo bod y canran o ddisgyblion sy’n cyrraedd 100% presenoldeb yn uchel iawn. Gwobrwyir yn flynyddol y disgyblion hynny sy’n cyrraedd 100% presenoldeb.
Liaison with Parents
The co-operation between home and school has been a most important aspect of the life of this school from the outset and is vital to the successful development and progression of all pupils. We encourage parents to contact us to make arrangements to visit.
Parents of new pupils starting school in September are invited to visit the school, in the preceding July. At the end of the first half term in October, Year 7 parents are invited to the school for an Induction evening to discuss how the new pupils have settled in at the school and to receive additional information.
At Gŵyr, we believe that excellent attendance is closely linked with excellent outcomes, both in terms of examination results and experiencing the wider school life. We work in partnership with families and the Local Authority to ensure regular attendance and would ask families not to book holidays during term time in order to promote the importance of education. All pupils should aim to attain at least 96% attendance during the year. We are very proud that the percentage of pupils achieving 100% attendance at Gŵyr is high and all receive rewards for their attendance at the end of the school year.