Page 5 - Gwyr Prospectus 2022-23
P. 5
Nod ac Amcanion yr Ysgol
Creu a chynnal yn yr ysgol:
• cymuned glos, sy’n gofalu am yr unigolyn a’i anghenion trwy ei osod yn y canol;
• cymuned sy’n sicrhau gwerth cyfartal i bob disgybl heb wahaniaethu ar sail rhyw, hil, crefydd neu allu ac sydd trwy fagu hunan-barch a hunanhyder y disgybl yn ei annog i wneud cyfraniad unigryw i fywyd yr ysgol a’r gymdeithas ehangach;
• cymuned Gymreig sy’n hybu Cymreictod, yn magu ymwybyddiaeth o dreftadaeth ac sydd yn diogelu a datblygu diwylliant y genedl; sydd hefyd yn rhoi gwerth ar ddwyieithrwydd a gallu’r disgybl i gyfrannu’n hyderus at gymdeithas amlieithog Cymru ac Ewrop;
• cymuned sydd trwy weithredu o fewn fframwaith o agweddau cadarnhaol a gwerthoedd moesol ac ysbrydol, yn sicrhau fod yna arweiniad clir i bob disgybl ar sut i ddatblygu i fod yn berson hunangynhaliol, cyfrifol a sensitif;
• cymuned sydd trwy ei nodau cwricwlaidd, ac effeithiolrwydd y dysgu, a’r addysgu yn caniatáu i bob disgybl ddatblygu yn academaidd, yn gymdeithasol ac yn iach tra hefyd yn sicrhau pleser a boddhad yn y gwaith;
• cymuned sydd yn paratoi pob disgybl ar gyfer y byd gwaith gan ddatblygu ei sgiliau allweddol i’r eithaf er mwyn dod yn aelod cyfrifol a gwerthfawr o’r gymdeithas.
School Aims and Objectives
To create and maintain in the school:
• a community which is close, warm and supportive and which cares for the individual by placing his/her needs at the centre;
• a community that ensures that each pupil is valued equally without discriminating on the basis of gender, race, religion or ability and which, by nurturing in pupils a strong sense of self- respectand self-confidence, can encourage pupils to realise their unique and valuable contribution to both the school and to the wider society;
• a community which is Welsh and which raises pupils’ awareness of their Welsh heritage in a way which will safeguard and develop the nation’s culture; a community which also values bilingualism and the ability of each pupil to contribute confidently to a multi-lingual Wales and Europe;
• a community which operates within a framework of positive attitudes and moral and spiritual values thus ensuring clear guidance to every pupil on how to develop into a self- sufficient, responsible and sensitive person;
• a community which by means of its specific curriculum aims, and the effectiveness of its teaching and learning, succeeds in enabling all pupils to develop to their fullest potential academically, socially and physically whilst also providing satisfaction and pleasure;
• a community which prepares each pupil for the world of work by developing key skills to the full so that pupils can become responsible and valuable citizens.
“I am pleased with the performance and development of my son in school. I thought the bridging work done between the primary school and Gŵyr was particularly effective and
I think that lays down firm foundations for the pupils.”