Page 29 - Gwyr Prospectus 2023-24
P. 29

 Gweithgareddau Allgyrsiol
Mae gweithgareddau allgyrsiol yn rhan hanfodol o ddatblygiad addysgiadol a phersonol pob disgybl. Dyma’r cyfnod pan y cânt gyfle i gymdeithasu yng nghwmni’i gilydd gan ddatblygu sgiliau newydd yn ogystal â phrofi llwyddiant a phleser personol. Gan ein bod yn ysgol Gymraeg ei chyfrwng mae iddynt arwyddocâd dyfnach hefyd. Trwy gyfrwng y gweithgareddau hyn sefydlir yr awyrgylch gymdeithasol Gymraeg sy’n hanfodol i sicrhau datblygiad ieithyddol yr unigolyn. Rydym yn annog pob disgybl i ymuno â, yn ogystal â chyfrannu at, gymaint o weithgareddau allgyrsiol a phosibl.
Yn ogystal â hynny trefnir gwibdeithiau achlysurol, arddangosfeydd ac ymweliadau â llu o ganolfannau a gweithgareddau eraill. Caiff gweithgareddau’r Urdd sylw arbennig a chefnogwn yr holl weithgareddau chwaraeon a diwylliannol. Mae gan gôr yr ysgol nifer o gysylltiadau dros y dŵr.
Yn ystod tymor yr Haf mae’r adran gerdd yn gwneud taith i Canada a’r Unol Daleithiau. Maent wedi ymweld â Swisdir, De Ffrainc, Eidal a Sbaen. Bu cyfraniadau helaeth i raglenni radio a theledu ac mae unigolion yn rheolaidd yn cael eu dewis i’r Côr, Cerddorfa, Band Prés a Chwmni Theatr Genedlaethol.
Gwobr Dug Caeredin
Mae Gwobr Dug Caeredin yn gryf yn yr ysgol gyda nifer o ddisgyblion hŷn yn manteisio ar gyfleoedd amrywiol a heriol. Rhoddir cyfle iddynt drefnu alldaith fel grŵp ond hefyd i ddysgu sgiliau newydd wrth wirfoddoli gydag amrywiaeth o asiantaethau er enghraifft Oxfam, Canolfan achub anifeiliaid ac yn Amgueddfa’r Aifft ym Mhryfysol Abertawe. Eleni mae tua 90 disgybl yn CA4 yn gweithio tuag at y wobr Efydd a tua 25 disgybl CA5 yn gweithio tuag at y wobr Aur.
Cyrsiau Preswyl
Mae’r rhain hefyd yn cyfrannu’n sylweddol i weithgareddau allgyrsiol yr ysgol ac mae’r rhaglen flynyddol yn cynnwys cyrsiau yng ngwersylloedd yr Urdd yn Llangrannog, Glanllyn a Rhosili, teithiau Ieithoedd Modern ac addysg Grefyddol, taith sgïo, a theithiau chwaraeon a diwylliannol o fewn y wlad hon a thramor.
Extra Curricular Activities
Extra curricular activities are of vital importance to the pupil’s personal and educational development.This is a time when they can socialise and develop further skills whilst also experiencing personal success and pleasure. Within a Welsh medium school these activities have an even greater significance for they provide the vehicle for establishing the relaxed social Welsh atmosphere needed to ensure each pupil’s language development. We encourage every pupil to actively participate in, and to contribute to, as many extra-curricular activities as possible.
In addition to all this, forms, year groups and departments arrange visits to theatres, cinemas,exhibitions and a wealth of other centres, and activities. The Urdd also, plays an important role in our extra curricular activities and we participate in all its sporting and cultural events. The school choir has many overseas connections. The music department arranges musical perfoming tours to Canada and the United States.
They have performed in Switzerland, South of France, Italy and Spain. There have been numerous broadcasts and appearances on radio and television and individuals regularly gain places in the National Youth Theatre, Choir, Brass Band and Orchestra.
Duke of Edinburgh Award
The Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme is strong in the school with many senior pupils taking advantage of opportunities that are both varied and challenging. Not only do they have to organize an expedition as a group but also to learn new skills whilst volunteering with various agencies such as Oxfam or in a local children’s club. Annually around 90 KS4 pupils work towards their Bronze Award and around 25 KS5 pupils work towards their Gold Award
Residential Courses
These also contribute significantly to the school’s extra curricular activities and the annual programme includes courses at the Urdd Camps in Llangrannog, Glanllyn and Rhosili, a skiing trip, modern language and Religious education courses, together with sporting and cultural tours within this country and abroad.
   “Mae yna lot o glybiau amser cinio, egwyl neu ar ôl ysgol. Mae Gŵyr moen i chi fod yn hapus a dysgu ar yr un pryd.”
“There are lots of lunchtime clubs and after school. Gŵyr wants you to be happy and learn at the same time.”

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